HCL Marketplace

New Assets, New Possibilities


Date Range Picker

logo-Date Range Picker

Date Range Picker

By: HCL Volt MX Team
The Date Range Picker component provides an interact...
The Date Range Picker component provides an interactive calendar in...
logo-Vertical Parallax

Vertical Parallax

By: HCL Volt MX Team
Parallax scrolling uses multiple objects at differen...
Parallax scrolling uses multiple objects at different speeds to giv...
logo-Range Slider

Range Slider

By: HCL Volt MX Team
The Range Slider component consists of a slider with...
The Range Slider component consists of a slider with a minimum valu...
logo-Horizontal Parallax

Horizontal Parallax

By: HCL Volt MX Team
Parallax scrolling uses multiple objects at differen...
Parallax scrolling uses multiple objects at different speeds to giv...
logo-Refresh Animation (Generic)

Refresh Animation (Gene...

By: HCL Volt MX Team
The refresh animation component can be used as a pul...
The refresh animation component can be used as a pull-to-refresh (o...
logo-Refresh Animation (Travel)

Refresh Animation (Travel)

By: HCL Volt MX Team
The refresh animation component can be used as a pul...
The refresh animation component can be used as a pull-to-refresh (o...
logo-Refresh Animation (Wave)

Refresh Animation (Wave)

By: HCL Volt MX Team
The refresh animation component can be used as a pul...
The refresh animation component can be used as a pull-to-refresh (o...
logo-Refresh Animation(Shopping Cart)

Refresh Animation(Shopp...

By: HCL Volt MX Team
The refresh animation component can be used as a pul...
The refresh animation component can be used as a pull-to-refresh (o...
logo-Vue Parallax

Vue Parallax

By: HCL Volt MX Team
Vue Parallax is a web component that contains multip...
Vue Parallax is a web component that contains multiple scenes. Ever...
logo-Refresh Animation (Rotating Objects)

Refresh Animation (Rota...

By: HCL Volt MX Team
The refresh animation component can be used as a pul...
The refresh animation component can be used as a pull-to-refresh (o...